
A photo of Naomi Klein seated at a metal table against a dark background, wearing glasses and a russet overcoat.
As we transform our energy systems, we can build a more equal and democratic economy.
Vegetables in a mesh grocery bag against a yellow background
A UBC project shows how interconnected international and inter-provincial food systems are.
Stressed-out guy on couch looks away from man staring out window
Sexual inconsistency reflects the complex lived realities of human sexuality.
Woman and child at a table decorated with Lunar New Year colours
UBC grads share the traditions, rituals, and memories that make this holiday a special time.
Woman in sunglasses jumping into air in front of wall
Happiness from spending varies significantly between high- and lower-income nations.
Three young women taking a selfie together
A UBC study reveals how using social media intentionally could actually boost our wellbeing.
E-bike parked on lawn in front of trees
UBC researchers have found that e-bike use has skyrocketed since 2019.
Person eating plate of salmon on asparagus and rice at table
Food prices in Canada are projected to rise by three to five per cent in 2025.
Excessive holiday lights display in front of house
Holiday lights can disrupt our smallest neighbours: nocturnal animals and insects.
A pair of hands tucks a sprig of spruce into the string wrapped around brown paper package with holiday wrapping materials surrounding it
Struggling with gift ideas? These UBC alumni have you covered.