
Couple having a picnic with smog-clouded city skyline in background
Those who produce pollution should pay for cleaning up any environmental damage.
Stack of fabrics with tag stating "CO2 NEUTRAL"
An accident spawned three years of research on polymers — and a new career trajectory.
Truck spraying salt onto road in fog
Exposing developing salmon to road salt concentrations can lead to deformities or death.
Annie Ciernia standing outside the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
UBC researchers are decoding the factors that cause autism spectrum disorder.
A person in a lab coat holding up a blue-violet crystalline structure

UBC is a central player in Canada’s medical biotech boom.

Five people stand in river
Rain gardens can help to reduce tire toxins from entering BC’s waterways.
Smiling woman in front of outdoor radio telescope
This discovery may help to reveal how our own solar system formed.
Four researchers, with three displaying watches on their wrists
This ultra-black material could be used for astronomy, solar cells, luxury items, and art.
A baby sits in the lap of a nurse who is holding an oxygen mask
Will we one day be able to cure — not just mitigate — allergies?
Illustration of hand holding lightbulb with plant growing inside
UBC researchers are thinking outside the box to sustainably solve world problems.