
A fan poses with Nardwuar for a selfie, with people milling in the background
Get to know a UBC alum dubbed the “greatest interviewer of our generation.”
Asian woman and man in evening wear lean into a kiss
Romance is in the air — and on the page.
Composite image showing the covers of the books recommended by the eight scholars, in a repeating pattern
Celebrate Black voices and stories with these recommended reads from Black scholars at UBC.
Two Haíɫzaqvḷa letters
What challenges do Indigenous people face when typing in their languages?
Two male gladiators battle with swords in arena
Two UBC experts discuss how the real world of Roman gladiators compares with the movies.
Man and woman laughing on couch in front of TV screen
Unlike those in other creative fields who play it safe, TV execs tend toward extremes.
Two women and man eating from a plate with chopsticks
Food has the remarkable ability to bring people together and create a sense of connection.
Audience facing stage amid confetti and lights at concert
Prolonged exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing damage.
Three Asian young men in baseball jerseys wave at crowd
K-pop groups without Korean members seem to be on the brink of becoming the norm.
Illustration of two people, each in a speech bubble, talking
How do you prepare for launching or further developing your career?