How well do you know UBC’s residences?

Put your student housing knowledge to the test.

Maybe you have fond memories of meals in the Place Vanier dining hall or not-so-fond memories of sprinting from Thunderbird to a class in Buchanan. Maybe you shared a sky-high view of campus with five roommates in the Gage towers or played ping pong in the Marine Drive Commonsblock long after midnight. But do you know which residence housed workers for Expo 86 or which residence is farthest from the UBC Bus Exchange?

Take this quiz to test your knowledge of on-campus student housing and learn about UBC history along the way.

In what decade was Walter Gage Residence built?
Which UBC building now stands on land that used to be home to Wesbrook Camp?
Black and white image of Wesbrook Camp
Wesbrook Camp in 1950. Photo courtesy of UBC Archives [UBC 3.1/1121-2].
Which undergraduate residence houses the smallest number of UBC students?
Which first-year residence at UBC Okanagan features this vibrant pink staircase?
Photo by Paul Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing
UBC has three first-year buildings dedicated to housing exchange students from specific partner universities alongside UBC students. Which university does NOT have such a partnership with UBC?