Can you guess these spots on the UBC Vancouver campus?

You might just find alumni UBC’s furry new friend there!

Meet Blue — alumni UBC’s furry new friend. You’ll want to take a good look at Blue because you might just spot him from time to time at various alumni UBC events, on both campuses, and maybe even around the world!  

If you’d like to meet Blue in person, be sure to attend Homecoming at UBC Vancouver on September 21. Register here.

Throughout that day, we’ll post clues on the alumni UBCInstagram account — check our Stories! — hinting at Blue’s current location. The first three alumni to arrive at the correct location and find a ticket will win fabulous prizes. And not only that, Blue will be very happy to see you! 

For now, can you guess which campus spots Blue has been recently visiting? 

This weekly public market, which runs from June to October, features freshly picked produce from where?
Blue sits in a box of leeks at the farmers market
This is the central place to buy UBC merchandise, textbooks, and school supplies.
Blue sits on a shelf tucked between UBC-branded water bottles
This UBC institution, originally located in the old Student Union Building (SUB), moved to the AMS Student Nest after the building opened in 2015. In June of 2024, it moved to an expanded location in the Nest.
Blue sits in front of a cafe
This playing field was moved from behind the UBC Life Building (formerly the SUB) to the location of the original UBC Aquatic Centre and converted to artificial turf.
Blue sits on a turf field
Numbering almost 500 steps, this is the trailhead to what famous nude beach?
Blue perches on the railing of wooden stairs descending down through trees
This location below Flag Pole Plaza is a favourite spot for taking pictures at graduation.
Blue sits on a fence overlooking a garden