Tell us about your Lunar New Year traditions

Do you celebrate Lunar New Year? If so, we want to hear from you!

Tell us about the traditions and rituals that make this holiday special for you — especially if they’re unique to your family, city, or region — and your submission could be published in UBC Magazine.

We’re particularly interested in learning how the holiday is celebrated around the world by our global alumni community, so would like to especially invite contributions from UBC grads living abroad. 

Share your favourite ways to celebrate Lunar New Year in the form below by January 3, 2025, and we’ll feature a selection of reader responses (along with potential photos) in a mid-January article.

If your response is selected, your name, degree, and place of residence will be published (e.g. Jane Nguyen, BA'12, Hanoi, Vietnam). Responses may be edited for clarity and length.

UBC Degree(s)
Place of residence
What’s your favourite way to celebrate Lunar New Year?
What’s something unique or unexpected about the Lunar New Year celebrations in your city or town?
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