Tell us about your bravest act

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Maybe it was moving to another country, starting (or ending) a relationship, or making a major change in your career. Or maybe it was signing up for an audition, going on a solo trip, or giving a speech at your best friend’s wedding.

Whether it was a bold leap of faith or a quiet but life-changing act of bravery, we’d love to hear about a pivotal time when you chose courage over comfort — and what you learned in the process.

Plus, with graduation ceremonies kicking off this week, we know our newest alumni will find inspiration in hearing your stories, too, as they embark on their own post-UBC journeys.

Tell us about your bravest act in the form below by June 10, 2024, and we’ll feature a selection of reader responses in an upcoming article.

If your response is selected, your name, degree, and graduation year will be published (e.g. Jane Doe, BA'12), unless you indicate that you wish to remain anonymous. Responses may be edited for clarity and length.

UBC Degree(s)
What's the bravest thing you've ever done?