Alana Newton, BScN’01, MA(CNPS)’08
Alana Newton currently resides in Vancouver and shares her experience as a healthcare worker. Alana combined her skills gained in her undergraduate and graduate degrees from UBC and provides valuable advice for the Class of 2020.
Tell us about your role
I provide individual, group, and consultative psychotherapy and psychoeducation to those living with complex and chronic health conditions.
I work with a multidisciplinary health care team, including physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, occupational and physiotherapists, dieticians, social workers, and naturopathic doctors.
What attracted you to this organization?
Having worked as a nurse, healthcare is a familiar and comfortable environment. In my current role, I am able to integrate both my nursing and counseling experience and skills.
I love working within a multidisciplinary team.
What excites you about this role/organization?
My ability to merge my nursing and counseling education and working with a diverse team of healthcare professionals.
What was your first role after graduation?
When I first graduated from my BScN, I worked in acute care neurosciences. After a few years, I simultaneously worked as a clinical instructor for nursing students. I felt very passionate about providing psychosocial and emotional support and I decided to pursue my masters in counseling psychology.
Upon graduating from my master's degree, I bridged the two careers working as a medical case manager and as a healthcare researcher.
What skill did you learn in your very first job after graduation that you are still using to this day?
Critical thinking and emotional regulation. To calmly, consciously think through a problem- even during a crisis.
What techniques did you use to address career ambiguity?
I returned to school to pursue another career!
I paid attention to my natural gifts and inclinations, the areas of my life, and work where I felt most connected to my purpose.
What advice do you have for the class of 2020?
Listen to your gut, that deep knowing of self.
Others may have opinions and suggestions about the best career path, but you know yourself.
Choose a career that lights you up, a career that connects with your talents, gifts, and purpose.
What uncertainty were you feeling upon graduation?
I knew I was passionate about all aspects of health, but I was uncertain how I would merge my two degrees.
What did you wish you knew when graduated?
Since graduation, I have come to appreciate the fluidity of my career. It does not have to be a stagnant decision- it is an evolving journey.
What is your best career advice?
Listen to yourself and do not fear judgment from others.
(Easier said than done!)
What are you most proud of in your career?
I am proud of my courage to listen to my gut and alter my career path.
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome in your career?
Finding my voice and advocating for others.
What have you learned about yourself over the past few months?
I have learned that I am adaptive and resilient.