
A portrait of Meeru Dhalwala with curly black hair and her chin propped in her hand.

Senses alive, kitchen thrives.

Standing in front of a United Nations sign, Jennifer Duncan wears a white blazer and skirt with rose designs and a gold trim.

The Dene lawyer devoted to securing self‑determination for First Nations.

Friba Rezayee wearing a dark blue flowered robe.

Driven from her own country for excelling at judo, this trail-blazing Olympian is helping other...

A nuclear reactor tower against the blue sky.
Professor M.V. Ramana discusses the "Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change."
A woman at her desk on a Zoom call
A UBCO study examines the difference between in-person and videochat perceptions.
Young people sitting in a row outside looking at smartphones
Mental health may depend on how social media is used rather than how much it is used.
Vice President Kamala Harris ascends stairs at vice president’s residence
Refusing to accept political defeat has dangerous consequences.
Mixed-media image showing a student shrugging with an over-sized bun in one hand and cascading Cheerios in the other
Including a Cheerios-stuffed sandwich that could break teeth (and spirits).
Dr. Varada Kolhatkar (right) seated cross-legged on a classroom floor, with other students seated in similar fashion
How a UBC prof is cultivating a culture of mindfulness and wellbeing in her classroom.
Charla Basran at Húsavík Harbor with a church in the background
This small Icelandic town delivers a great deal of natural charm. Here’s why you should visit.