Urban tree trouble: Insights from Stanley Park

Urban foresters managing green spaces in our communities respond to public demand for this vital infrastructure in settings under increased pressure from the effects of climate change and population growth. Vancouver’s iconic Stanley Park recently captured headlines following plans to remove looper moth-killed trees from the forest. Water scarcity and extreme heat are adding layers of complexity to urban landscape management.

What can urban foresters tell us about this valuable community resource, along with present and emerging best practices in the field? What role do residents play in decisions surrounding living infrastructure in their neighbourhoods? Watch this webcast to hear from an engaging panel of experts as they answer these questions and more.

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Dr. Richard Hamelin — Professor and Department Head, Forest Conservation Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia


Bruce Blackwell, BSF’84 and MSF’89, RPF, R.P. Bio. — Principal of B.A. Blackwell & Associates Ltd.

Joe McLeod, BSF’01 — ISA Certified Arborist, Associate Director, Urban Forestry / Specialty Parks at City of Vancouver

Recorded Tuesday, June 25, 2024.