Thriving in the Workplace featuring Miranda Massie, BA'08

Maintaining a successful career is so much more than landing the perfect position. A prosperous worklife also involves self-management, skill development and ongoing resilience. Building this resilience begins with self-awareness and knowledge.

Join Miranda Massie, BA’08, Health Promotion Specialist at the University of British Columbia, for this informative session on stress, burnout and workplace wellbeing. Participants will learn about the relevance of workplace wellbeing to overall health (individual and organizational). They will gain an understanding of the stress response and how to recognize stress in themselves. Participants will take away knowledge about burnout and effective coping strategies to support successful and sustainable careers.

Presenter Biography

Miranda is a Health Promotion Specialist in Human Resources at the University of British Columbia. She is responsible for workplace health promotion programs that include a self-care training, mindfulness programming, fitness challenges, biometric screenings, awareness campaigns and mental health literacy education. Miranda oversees this work from the needs assessment and planning stages through to implementation and evaluation.

Her work focuses on a preventative and asset-based approach to wellbeing that empowers employees to make informed decisions that positively impact their individual wellbeing and the overall health and culture of the organization. Miranda is a Mental Health Commission of Canada certified instructor of Mental Health First Aid and The Working Mind. Outside of UBC, Miranda works as a community sexual health educator and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Adult Learning and Education.

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