
Headshot of Robyn Stalkie

Network your way to career success

A UBC career strategist shares her top tips for networking.
Headshot of Kari Marken

Cultivate creativity in your work

Hear how to build a culture of collective creativity in your workplace.
Over-the-shoulder shot of someone in a video meeting

Diversify your mentorship mindset

Learn how to refine your mentorship skills in the ever-evolving workplace.

Use your strengths to become a supercommunicator

Here's how to harness your strengths to make your greatest impact at work.
Headshot of Ella Laure Hipolito

Make the leap to leadership

An experienced recruiter shares her tips for securing a leadership position.

Actualize your dream career abroad

Hear the honest truths about relocating, adapting, and working abroad.
Headshots of speakers Adrienne Tom and Sarah Johnston

Razzmatazz your résumé

Craft a résumé that dazzles, with tips from two job search experts.
A headshot of Adel Gamar wearing a collared shirt and suit is imposed on top of an abstract background with blue and white shapes.

Anchor your leadership in adaptability

How leaders can learn to thrive amid demanding and unpredictable situations.
A black and white headshot of Dr. Danielle Barkley, who has shoulder length hair and is wearing a collared shirt, is placed over an abstract blue background.

Negotiate your salary with confidence

How to articulate and assert the values you bring to the table.
A person with black glasses and a red cardigan looks at a laptop.

Financial foundations: Navigating post-university life with confidence

Learn practical tips and skills for achieving financial independence.
Three side-by-side portraits of Gen Z members

Build the future with Gen Z

What you need to know about working with the future third of the global workforce.
Two people look over a document together.  The person on the right wears black glasses.  The person on the left has a laptop open.

My financial life: How to build wealth

Demystify the realm of finance with two savvy fiscal wizards.