In Memoriam

A white-haired couple sit next to each other. The person on the left wears a light blue plaid shirt, while the person on the right has a blue collared shirt and a white beard.
Moira Maureen O’Shay, BA'57

This memorial is for my dearly beloved wife Latifah al-Attas, née Moira Maureen O’Shay, who returned to the Mercy of Allah on the 3rd of March, 2020, at the age of 85. She passed just before I started writing my latest book, which is perhaps the last I will ever write. But she had prepared me for it.

She was a woman of exceptional beauty, physically, and spiritually, endowed with courage, trust, patience, self-restraint, refinement, and virtue born of wisdom and justice, befitting a true Believer and one of pure faith, with whom I had the privilege of sharing a joyful life together for 60 years.

She was amiable to people, irrespective of social class, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She gave me a posterity of two sons and two daughters, and was honoured at her funeral with the presence of hundreds, among them family, beloved friends, ambassadors, and foreign dignitaries, including the State Secretary and the Chief of the Defence Forces of Malaysia. Two of her four grandchildren are now in Canadian universities, with the youngest at her precious alma mater, UBC.

She is missed every day by all who knew and loved her. May Allah grant her full forgiveness, make her grave a Pavilion in one of His Gardens of Paradise, and admit her among the Righteous — Amen.