Class Acts
I have a pro bono passion project that wouldn't be possible were it not for my experience as a UBC student.
My project uses boulevard gardens as a framework for lessons on environmental education, nature awareness, urban literacy, and community building.
This is done through my Instagram account, and also through my boulevard garden walking tours that have raised thousands of dollars for a local non-profit.
My project has garnered local and national media attention (including a cover story feature on the Globe & Mail). My boulevard garden walking tours have become a popular annual community event that connects neighbours and mobilizes them to replace lawns on the boulevards with flowers and shrubs. On the Tour, I teach about all the positive benefits that arise from doing this.
My Tour is coming up again in April. Attached is a Pecha Kucha talk about my project that gives a good overview of what I’m doing and why, and the positive impact it had. You can view that video here.