Class Acts

Marie-Helene Pelletier
Marie-Helene Pelletier, PhD'02, MBA'06

In my book, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, I draw on my clinical practice and extensive knowledge in psychology and business practices to explore how resilience is the best defense against burnout and how everyone can build it in themselves with a strategic plan.

Successful professionals have an impressive list of credentials and can handle grueling hours and exceed high expectations. They’re at risk because they often think they’re naturally resilient due to their ability to handle more. But resilience isn’t a character trait – you can improve it with intentional effort.

In my book, I provide a framework that combines business strategy, psychology, and workplace psychological health to equip leaders and professionals with a custom individual resilience plan to give them the edge they need at work and home.

Dean and Professor Emeritus at UBC Sauder School of Business, Daniel Muzyka, called the book “inspiring and practical” and said, “The Resilience Plan provides a comprehensive framework for building individual and organizational resilience and should be at the top of your reading list.”

Christine Padesky, author of Mind Over Mood, called the book “a gem” and said, “The Resilience Plan delivers on its promise to show you how to boost your resilience and mental health in just a few minutes a day.”

And Robert Cialdini, author of Pre-Suasion, noted, “The Resilience Plan is highly valuable for a pair of reasons. First, it convincingly identifies resilience as a necessary trait for surviving and thriving in today’s frenetic world. Second, it not only shows the importance of having a strategic resilience plan, but also details the specific form the plan should take. It’s not to be missed.”

It won the gold award for non-fiction writing from the Nonfiction Authors Association.

Book cover of "The Resilience Plan"