
Wedding ceremony with mountains in distance
Each summer, hundreds of couples and their guests come to campus for wedding celebrations.
Woman sitting facing city shrouded in haze
Learn about the health risks posed by wildfire smoke and how you can protect yourself.
The Olympic rings with the Eiffel Tower in the background
Here are 21 UBC athletes to root for during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Boy climbing tree
Risky outdoor play is essential to your child’s health and overall development.
Man in shorts jogging along path in forest
Here’s why it’s important to adapt your exercise routine to the weather conditions.
A crowd of people wave Canadian flags
A UBC Okanagan professor shares early findings from her new study.
Audience facing stage amid confetti and lights at concert
Prolonged exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing damage.
Three colleagues smiling and walking outdoors with greenery on the left

Approaching work with a joyful mindset can change everything. Here’s how.

An illustrated diagram of the solar system
A new proposal aims to start a conversation about what we call a planet.
Headshot of Malindi Elmore (left) and Evan Dunfee (right)
UBC Olympians share strategies for performing under pressure, dealing with setbacks, and more.